Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Beach; Korean Barbecue; Buddhist Water Temple; and more Beach!

Ok, so a lot has happened since the last post (yesterday morning?)  So I will attempt to make it short, sweet, and to the point with lots of pictures!

Yesterday evening began with a trip to get some Korean BBQ; which included both beef and chicken, with some onions, noodles and lettuce all with amazing seasoning.  A couple other English teachers from Lauren's school joined us -- in the photo you can see Dylan and Sakura.

After this Dylan left, because he had an early train to catch the next evening for a Ultimate Frisbee game somewhere and we walked off to the beach.  On the way we stopped by an Irish pub that has a predominantly foriegner clientele and had some cider.  The beach was pretty cool at night; we got to see some along the boardwalk with some terrifying engrish and take a couple neat photos:

After which we agreed to meet up in the morning, and went home.  The morning was a trip to the Buddhist Water temple.  It's the only Buddhist temple in Korea which is by the ocean so it's really unique and beautiful.  I'll not post too many photos for brevity, but they'll be view-able on the Picasa Album.

First off, the view was amazing; above is a panorama of the temple before you got to it -- if you look at the statue on the top point of the hill, that is where the second panorama (below) is taken from.

There were some really cool things at the temple; like a giant gold Buddah statue:

The hear-no-evil, see-no-evil, speak-no-evil dolls:

The lucky pigs:

A strange statue of a dragon, surrounded by little porcelain dolls (there was even one in it's mouth sitting on it's tongue):

And of course; the main prayer temple itself:

It was a pretty neat experience.  After the water temple we went to a nearby beach.  Since I happened to have my suit in my book bag I got to do a bit of swimming.  The water was probably as cold as it was a few weeks ago in long beach; but I suppose that's to be expected -- you know, since it's the same ocean and all (just kidding)

Above is the water side and below is the boardwalk side.  You can see a bunch of people wearing wet suits and riding surfboards (I say riding because for the most part no-one was actually surfing...)  Below all you see is a couple ghosts due to the nature of making a panoramic photograph without a fisheye or wide-angle lens.  

During the taxi ride back from the beach I saw something pretty interesting:

Yep.   A Lambo in Busan!  Now for a quick word about the Taxi's.  There very quick, relatively cheap and every driver is unique.  I have to admit it is a bit discomforting when you're driver is watching a Korean drama on his little LCD screen, however -- he was still an excellent driver (last night).  The taxi driver with a retro steering wheel spinner knob was pretty cool and this guy (above) was really quick.  In any case, they have the whole "transportation without needing a car" thing pretty down pack here.

Next, i'll upload some photos to Picasa, and then try to study some Hangul before going for another walk around town.  Till next time!

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