Friday, June 10, 2011

First full day in Busan

One of the things that is immediately apparent when walking around Busan is the constant bombardment of smells on your nose -- everything from delicious smelling food to nasty city smells come at you concurrently so that you end up walking through a random heterogeneous mess of smells.  It's quite interesting!

So our first destination was to get some food -- "Korean Pancakes" is how Lauren described them; they also had a Korean name, but I don't really remember what it was.  I should probably start writing those down soon...   On the way we passed by a couple things that you'd never see back home; such as:

Live eels in a tank!  In any case, I don't think that I ate any eel today, instead we had the delicious pancakes with (of course) some kimchi -- this time the authentic korean edition:

After brunch we got to walk around the beach a little bit; which is quite beautiful and surrounded by mountains on either side.  The city envelops the one on the left (east?) and the one on the right (west?) is untouched (as far as I can tell) nature.  By the picture you can see they have rental umbrella's and buoy's for swimming :) 

And apparently the previous weekend they had some kind of "sand" festival, so the beach was littered with things like this:

After the beach Lauren went to work and I spent some time reading a book about Hangul (the famed Korean writing system) and then took a three hour nap :P  After napping I went for a walk and saw a couple more interesting things.  Apparently there's some kind of weird holiday or event called "Thank's day"

An advertisement for cow chairs:

Canned coffee machine:

Which apparently has a nice option for both hot AND cold drinks...  Of course the infamous McDonald's "McDelivery" scooters:

One of the coolest things though, was this stretched, shaft-driven cargo trike.  In the states you'd never think of something with an engine that small carting around something that big...

Went back to the beach to see it at night and then came back to do some blogging before bed.  The last picture is posted almost exclusivley for the viewing pleasure of my sisters:

An add on a bus which I have a feeling has some of those people from the bands you guys listen to!

Ahh, if you've made it this far into the post then there's one more thing I forgot to mention.  We stopped by a Japanese clothing store on the top (7th) floor of a mall so that I could compensate a little bit for my baggage getting lost.  I bough a Canon EOS t-shirt and a pair of boxers.  These Japanese boxers are probably among the most comfortable underwear I've ever worn in my entire life -- I might just have to stock up!



  2. I hope you have a nice trip, I like you blog a lot!!!
    - Julia

  3. Your thoughtfulness only makes me miss you more... you can come back now!!!! :'(
